Photo by Sagui Andrea:

Lesson Two: You can’t improve on God

We’re hypnotized, asleep, deceived, twisted, dull, or whatever other name you would like to give modern man’s general condition after decades of mind-numbing TV and the assault we live with in technology now.

We’ve lost our connection to nature, or God’s creation, and with the lost connection, we’ve lost our awe of the power of nature. We’re endlessly chasing shiny objects. We’re desperate for something that will make us feel better, and we’ve become trained addicts.

Addicts always need the next dopamine fix, and they always need to bring the next fix up a notch.

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of Lesson Two: You can’t improve on nature. It’s impossible to overstate the urgency of reconnecting with nature in every way that we can. We are missing out on natural light. We are missing out on fresh air. We are missing out on touching and interacting with the earth. We are missing out on fresh water. We are missing out on food in its natural state.

We have become sick, and instead of reconnecting with nature, we look for something that is magically more bioavailable or has nanotechnology that is going to fix our problem fast and make us feel better. When those things don’t work, we overdose on green smoothies and eat only vegetables.

We are addicted to technology and all of its fixes, but we were designed for creation. We were designed to live in this world and interact with all of its elements. The extra focus on nutrition alone now won’t make us well. We have a light deficiency. We have a clean air deficiency. We have an electron deficiency. We have a hydrogen deficiency. These are the simple elements of nature that recharge our batteries, our mitochondria in each cell of our bodies. They are the elements that reset our clock and drain off the excess, hyped up energy we carry around with us because of the unnatural frequencies flooding our planet.

It’s far more important what you remove from your environment than what you supplement. The great thing about all of this is that it’s free, for the most part, and it’s awe-inspiring, too. The power of nature, in the simplest form, just outside our door, is the magic we’re looking for, and that we desperately need.

Lesson Two: You can’t improve on nature. Avoid anything that promises a technology that deceives you into thinking the way God made it isn’t good enough. This is a trap, and it is a deception that will lead to further illness of every kind.

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